
Piezometers are instrumental monitoring devices that measure pore water pressure in rock and soil.

With this function, piezometers are a tool that guides designers and technical inspectors in all matters related to groundwater and pore water pressure, from determining the groundwater level to the effectiveness of drainage and impermeability applications, from adjusting the filling speed to estimating slope stability.

Data obtained with piezometers can be obtained with a portable reader or automatic data recording systems.

Main Areas of Use:

– Monitoring of underground and surface waters
– Pore Water Pressure Measurement
– Dewatering Projects
– Well Observations
– Permeability Test
– Slug Test

Main Types of Piezometers Offered by Artı Geo

Vibrating Wire

Durable vibrating wire (VW) sensor type that provides high precision measurement without being affected by depth and long distances.


Multi-Point VW

The most advanced, portable inclinometer reading system for taking readings from angled inclinometer wells


High Temp. VW

It offers high temperature resistant measurement opportunities, especially suitable for geothermal applications.


Strain Gauge

Built-in inclinometer system for conditions requiring remote and continuous readings.

In addition to these types, depending on specific application needs;

– Pneumatic Piezometers
– Stand-pipe Piezometers

Advantages of the System

– Fast Response Time
– Suitability for Dynamic Measurements
– High sensitivity
– Easy to read
– Automate Option

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